Several years ago, God asked me to call America AND the nations of the world to a Fast From Wrong Thinking. Not a fast from food, but a fast from the toxic thoughts, limiting beliefs, and mentalities of failure—the very things that defeat us and hold us prisoner to our past or to our pain. Since then, testimonies have poured in from all over the world—addictions broken, anxieties stopped, finances increased, bodies healed, families restored, and so much more! This is not a fast from food. But a fast from wrong thinking.
Now, fasting from food can be a blessing, but usually it’s more of a burden because so many times we may abstain from food, yet we swallow in abundance—a full “diet” of lies that limit and defeat us. The breakthrough all of us truly need in this hour, will come from eliminating our worn-out, self-defeating thoughts, condemnation, anxiety, worry, and fear. And, it comes from embracing God’s way of thinking which creates His way of living. It is TIME for YOUR breakthrough!!