The Jesus Way: Ruling and Reigning With Him | 9AM - Gregory Dickow Ministries
The Jesus Way: Ruling and Reigning With Him | 9AM
Gregory Dickow
I don’t have a complicated message: I want to encourage people with the good news of God’s unconditional love—and to see that reality change their thinking and their emotions.

Did you know God called you to live like Jesus? Not to be perfect like Him but to rule and reign with Him as a joint heir. (Romans 8:17) But what does ruling and reigning with Him mean? How do we live as joint heirs with Jesus? In his latest message, Pastor Gregory Dickow unpacks “The Jesus Way,” revealing six things Jesus did well and how we can follow His example. If you’re ready to master “The Jesus Way” and start ruling and reigning with Him, this message is for you!