This Week's Television Offer
get behind me

For your gift of
$25 or more

Package Includes

  • Get Behind Me, Satan
  • Television Offer Overcome Darkness 1
Love in Action Partners receive exclusive benefits like:
  • Personal and exclusive monthly special project email updates (with a quarterly video greeting and update from me directly)
  • 50% off discounts on the GDM web store (product specific)
  • Quarterly above-and-beyond “surprise” partner-only “thank you” gifts
  • Unlimited downloadable content

Partner With Me

When you become a LOVE in ACTION Partner, your monthly recurring gift of $20, annual gift of $240 or more, or lifetime gift of $5,000 goes directly to practical initiatives like our Global Missions Outreach, Crisis Relief efforts, Widows and Orphans projects, Solar-Powered Audio Bible distribution, and much more.

If you are donating outside the U.S., click here.


$20/mo. or more


$240/yr. or more


$5,000 or more

Non-Cash Donations

Any Amount


$20/mo. or more


$240/yr. or more


$5,000 or more

Through Technology, Including the Solar-Powered Audio Bible Available in Six Languages

Your gift will help us reach the lost and hurting through crisis relief programs, orphan and widows’ projects, global church planting, and our Solar-Powered Audio Bibles that are translated into the top-10 languages of the world. Get Behind Me, Satan: The Key to Winning Every Spiritual Battle will show you will show you how to wake up and live in total victory every day.
What is spiritual warfare? What role do humility and grace play in it? The Bible says our battle is not against flesh and blood. So, how can we wrestle something not seen and yet still win? God promises we can because the weapons of our warfare are mighty. Satan is the accuser. He continually accuses us because of our mistakes and failures. He tries to get us to settle for a powerless Christianity. But God looks at us through the blood of Jesus and the finished work of the cross.