This Week's Television Offer
Fast From Wrong Thinking audio series

For your gift of
$40 or more

Package Includes

  • Fast From Wrong Thinking CD Series
  • Television Offer FFWT 1
Fast From Wrong Thinking Collection (Black)

For your gift of
$75 or more

Package Includes

  • Fast From Wrong Thinking CD Series
  • Fast From Wrong Thinking DVD
  • Leather Bound Journal
  • Fast From Wrong Thinking Book
  • Television Offer FFWT 2
Fast From Wrong Thinking USB Collection (Black)

For your gift of
$150 or more

Package Includes

  • Fast From Wrong Thinking CD Series
  • Fast From Wrong Thinking DVD
  • Leather Bound Journal
  • Fast From Wrong Thinking Book
  • Power To Change Today Book
  • USB Drive with the entire Fast From Wrong Thinking Teaching series and 10 bonus messages
  • Television Offer FFWT 3
Your gift will be used to help us continue to see souls saved and lives transformed through the revolutionary Fast From Wrong Thinking. This collection of resources features the same messages and principles that changed Gregory Dickow’s life, along with countless others! By renewing your mind, conquering your thought life, breaking thoughts of failure, and filling your mind with the Word of God, you will have great success in gaining God’s abundant life!

Overcome Wrong Thinking! Get the Fast From Wrong Thinking USB Collection. The way you think controls your entire life. Your thoughts shape your words, your actions, and your habits. A bad mindset can make you depressed, anxious, afraid, suffer, lonely, and angry. It can keep you from living wholly in your rightful place as a Child of God. The great news is, you can overcome it!