Deteriorating spiritual and humanitarian conditions around the world have created an urgent opportunity for us to multiply our Love in Action ministry and outreach. God’s heart beats for “THE LEAST OF THESE,” and that’s who we are reaching and rescuing—the abandoned, the widow, the orphan, the refugee, the hungry, the sick, and the oppressed. What we are doing around the world right now is more critical than ever—and I need your help.
The Bible declares, “THINGS will NOT REMAIN the same!” (Ezekiel 21:26) I am believing that the things that need to change in and around our world, and also in your life, are going to change beginning TODAY. And I want to invite you to be a Love in Action partner now, if you’re not already. Let’s impact this world together.

Love in Action Partners receive exclusive access & benefits like—
- I will pray for you regularly to experience the fullness of God’s will and blessing in your life, according to Ephesians 1:8 and 3:20.
- I will always bring you God’s Word in POWER and PURPOSE, full of life and revelation knowledge.
- I will continually make available the best resources and tools for your growth and victory in your LOVE relationship with God.
- Personal and exclusive special project email updates monthly (with a quarterly video greeting and
update from me directly) - Product-specific 50% off discounts in the GDM Online Store
- Access to FREE downloadable content, which will vary monthly
- And much MORE!
requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the good
news about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.”

Sign up today and receive my new book, Soul Cure, as a free gift.

Take advantage of special perks only available to Partners
Exclusive Digital Downloads
We open the vault to some of the very best teachings and share them with Partners. Additionally, all Partners can download any digital product from the Online Store for free.
Premium Partner Only Newsletter
Each month, you will receive a Partner Only email from Gregory Dickow.
Free Resources
Every month, you will receive free resources in your inbox, curated by Gregory Dickow and the GDM Creative Team.

As a Love in Action Partner, you will enjoy the multi-faceted benefits of partnership and connection. As a partner, you are sowing seeds of transformation and change into the lives of people all around the world. You can EXPECT a Harvest of change in your own life, as well.
Love in Action Partner Perks:
- Personal and exclusive special project email updates monthly (with a quarterly video greeting and update from me directly)
- Product-specific 50% off discounts in the GDM web store
- Access to FREE downloadable content, which will vary monthly
- And much MORE!
When you become a LOVE IN ACTION Partner, your monthly recurring gift of $20, or your annual gift of $240 or more, goes directly to initiatives like our Global Missions Outreach, Crisis Relief efforts, Widows and Orphans projects, Solar Power Audio Bibles distribution, and much more. If you are donating outside the U.S., click here.
$20 / month
Billed monthly at $20
$240 / annually
Billed annually at $240
Billed one time
Partnerships can be cancelled at any time. To cancel, go to My Online Orders and click the “Cancel Love in Action partnership” link, or contact Customer Service by phone at (888) 849-5433 or through the Contact Customer Service page.

Sign up for an Annual Partnership today, and you’ll receive my new book, Soul Cure, PLUS this mug to remind you of your partnership in global evangelism and humanitarian care (while supplies last).
We, at Gregory Dickow Ministries, are so grateful for you and praying for God’s best in your life today!