Silencing the Accuser


Who is the accuser? Pastor Gregory Dickow’s brand-new book, Silencing the Accuser, will deliver you from accusations, guilt, and condemnation; and help you experience the freedom that belongs to you!

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Silencing the Accuser: The Power of a Guilt-Free Life

Feeling accused! It’s time to be free from guilt and condemnation!

People accuse you, the devil accuses you, and maybe you accuse yourself because you feel guilty. Can you really hold up against the weight of all this guilt—merited or not? You can’t. No one can. That’s why God made a grand rescue plan for you. Silencing the Accuser: The Power of a Guilt-Free Life is about owning the victory you have over your accuser through the power of Jesus Christ, no matter what you’ve done or what you’ve been accused of.