It’s not too late to cure your soul!
You are right on time! No matter what we’re going through, the story of our lives doesn’t end there. It is the Lord who is completing a process in us. He’s bringing about His intended conclusion. He will make His judgment, which already is of love and mercy. He is working miracles in us and making everything beautiful in His time.
Your soul, simply put, is your mind to think, your heart to feel, and your will to decide. It’s the very deepest part of your humanity, the source of all treasure and talent.
You are so much more than you might feel right now. And you are made for more than you are experiencing right now.
In his latest book, pastor and talk show host Gregory Dickow, writes in a refreshingly honest and keenly insightful way, as he reveals how your mindset is the single most powerful force in shaping your emotions, your decisions, and your destiny. When you discover the power of God’s healing love, then fear, anxiety, anger, and shame will stop sabotaging the happiness in your life. You’ll discover your true worth and step into your God-given destiny. You will win the battle over the soul thieves trying to sabotage your purpose and peace.
Your life story doesn’t end in defeat or loneliness. Your best chapters are ahead of you. The truths laid out in this collection will awaken the greatness that is you! Your best days are going to be your next days. By turning the pages in this book, you will begin to turn your pain into purpose as God continues to write your winning story.
Items Included:
- You Are Right On Time | Single Audio CD
- Soul Cure | Hardcover Book
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