To sit at the feet of Jesus, what posture is essential for you to choose to develop? How can you experience all of the benefits that are present at His feet? What does it practically mean to be seated with Christ in heavenly places? Also, how does understanding and applying these biblical truths affect you positively in your everyday life? The truth is, you are God’s dearly loved child—His pearl of great worth and value. He purchased you with His precious blood. You bring Him great joy and are priceless to Him!
This empowering and liberating message will encourage you to cultivate a heart that is fully absorbed in His unconditional love for you with no strings attached. This teaching will also show you the difference between natural, human love, and God’s divine love. You will learn how to start seeing everything from God’s higher perspective. You will understand the signs of the times and feel empathy for others. When you see from His higher perspective, you will be inspired to be more loving to everyone, and experience His peace, power, and purpose more than you ever have before!