What is the Root to a Successful Life?
A Revelation of the Gift of Righteousness
What is the biggest concern in your life – right now?
Your finances? Your health? Your family? Mistakes you have made in the past?
The devil understands something that most Christians don’t.
Did you know that the Bible does not call the devil “the enemy of all success?” It does not call him the enemy of all health. The Bible does not call him the enemy of all peace—or of all wisdom—or of all love—or of all joy.
The Bible calls the devil “the ENEMY OF ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Acts 13:10).
Because the devil knows that righteousness is the key to all of God’s blessing, victory, and success in your life!
That is why the devil will do anything to keep the magnificent truth of RIGHTEOUSNESS from you. He focuses on attacking the truth of the gift of righteousness in your life. He tries to chain you to a sense of inferiority and keep you thinking less of yourself than what God thinks about you.
But when you are established in the gift of righteousness, you will finally experience all that God has for you, because it’s God’s desire to bless you with victory and prosperity in every area of your life!
Righteousness is not something we produce through our own efforts though—it is a gift from God that He gives us the moment we are born again! Romans 5:17 says that “those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”
Why aren’t we reigning in life? Because Satan is doing everything he can to keep the reality of this truth from us.
The word “righteous” literally means you are in “right standing” with God. It means you have the right to stand in the presence of God—without guilt or shame or condemnation—free from the sense of inferiority or fear. To be righteous means that God is as pleased with you as He is with Jesus!
Think about that for a moment . . . GOD IS PLEASED WITH YOU the moment you receive Jesus Christ into your life! At that moment, you are just as righteous as He is! Wow!
But until you understand this amazing truth, you will never truly feel like you can please Him. But because of His tremendous love for you, He has made it possible.
We are not BECOMING righteous. We were MADE righteous when Jesus was MADE sin on the cross—2 Corinthians 5:21. It is an exchange. He exchanged our sin for His righteousness. What a deal! The moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you were made the righteousness of God! Now we are all in the process of UNDERSTANDING how to live in the revelation of this righteousness—but there is not a thing we have to do—or can do—to earn it or deserve it. It is God’s gift that brings His supernatural blessing to every area of your life!
Righteousness is the tap root to all of God’s blessings . . .
Favor (Psalm 5:12)
Healing (Malachi 4:2)
Victory over sin (Romans 5:17, 1 Corinthians 15:34)
Wisdom (Proverbs 2:7)
Spiritual growth (Psalm 92:12)
Deliverance from affliction (Psalm 34:19)
Peace (Isaiah 32:17)
Protection (Ephesians 6:14)
Boldness & Confidence (Proverbs 28:1)
. . . and the list goes on & on!
Is it any wonder why the devil has declared war on righteousness? It is the most powerful force in the Christian life!
Now, the devil can’t stop you from BEING righteous. But he can try to keep you from UNDERSTANDING it; and by doing so, prevent you from experiencing the benefits of it.
Satan is the enemy of righteousness, because he knows how powerful this gift really is. He wants to keep you from living in all the victory that righteousness brings. He wants to keep you inferior and insecure; discouraged, depressed and afraid.
But—you can stop the enemy of righteousness today!
The devil knows that once you truly understand the power of the righteousness of God in your life, he will lose any hope of limiting or controlling your life. This is why I want to help you experience the amazing blessings of this gift in your life.
The Bible says in Isaiah 54:14 that God will establish you in righteousness. The righteousness of God provides an unshakeable foundation for our lives. It is our rock to stand on in the midst of every storm.
Is your heart and mind firmly established in righteousness?
Are you confident that God is pleased with you right now?
If you have any uncertainty about this—if there is any question in your mind—or if you just want to see the wave of God’s blessing storm into your life, let me encourage you right now to do these three things:
First: Ask God for supernatural understanding of this amazing gift of righteousness. We all need a revelation of who we are and what God has done for us. We will not reign in life without deeply understanding the gift of righteousness.
Second: Ask for my teaching on the gift of righteousness right away. God wants to fill your mind with a consciousness of righteousness because He knows that the enemy gains access into our lives when we lack confidence about who we are in Christ.
Third: Sow into righteousness. Plant your best seed into the soil of RIGHTEOUSNESS. Isaiah 32:17-20 says, “The result of righteousness will be peace and quiet confidence forever . . . Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely, how blessed are you who sow seed beside abundant waters . . . ”
You will be blessed when you sow seeds into the abundant soil of righteousness!