Press On

Press On

In this encouraging message, Pastor Gregory Dickow shares the secret to running and winning the race. We have control over our lives through our perseverance, patience, and shameless persistence.

Press On

Press On

We all go through difficult times. In this encouraging message, Pastor Gregory Dickow shares the secret to running and winning the race. We have control over our lives through our perseverance, patience, and shameless persistence. Whatever problem we’re facing can be solved with these two words, “press on.” It’s all about not giving up. Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking, and God will open the door for you.



In this Moments episode, Pastor Gregory Dickow gives us important ways to become impactful leaders through the power of vision.



God created us on purpose, for a purpose, and with a purpose. What is our “why?” Why are we here? What is our God-given purpose? God created all of us to be lovers, worshipers, believers, and leaders. In this Moments episode, Pastor Gregory Dickow gives us important ways to become impactful leaders through the power of vision. When we understand what God created us for, we can break the power of depression, boredom, distraction, fear, our past, addiction, lack, and insufficiency! As we adore and worship God in spirit and truth, we will end up running into our destiny, purpose, and “why.”

Stay With It

Stay With It

God has always been for us. He will be there for us forever because consistency is His promise! In this practical message, Pastor Gregory Dickow shows us why consistency is the key to success. It always comes when we “stay with it” by believing and loving. When we do, everything else will become great. Greatness always follows consistency. Our blessings will show up at just the right time if we only stay with it!