Our Beautiful Savior

Our Beautiful Savior

Feeling let down, disappointed, or stuck in your past mistakes? There has never been a time when God has been unfaithful, and it’s His faithfulness that will bring you through your difficulty. With this uplifting message from Pastor Gregory Dickow, let’s ditch the wrong assumptions we have about God—and instead go up and embrace God’s true character: faithful. Our beautiful Savior accepts everyone. He is not against you. He’s not mad at you. He’s happy with you. He’s proud of you. He’s smiling at you. He created you. And He’s shaping you because He loves you. He wants to heal you and turn your weaknesses into strengths. God’s love stays the same, but we continue growing in our understanding, awareness, and knowledge of His presence. We’re on a beautiful journey and we’re getting better and better!

Expect Increase | 7 Promises of Increase

Expect Increase | 7 Promises of Increase

God is the God of increase. He specializes in restoring. Pastor Gregory Dickow lists 7 promises of increase that God has for us, that will cause you to live in a mindset of great expectations from Him. No more living with small expectations. Your life isn’t small, so you don’t have to live it in a small way. Expect God to do it even bigger than you ask! Today is the day to elevate your faith and elevate your anticipation, and God is going to manifest things, He’s going to restore your life and all that has been lost! Just expect!