The Everlasting Love of God: Intimacy with Jesus

The Everlasting Love of God: Intimacy with Jesus

God is not a forceful God. He is standing at the door, knocking, waiting to have an intimate relationship with us. In this inspiring Mother’s Day message, Pastor Gregory Dickow shares four types of intimacy that God is ready and waiting to have with us. There’s nothing we have to do to earn it. Let’s open the door to His love and step into a closer relationship of transparency and vulnerability. He’s got us in His everlasting arms!

Think Like a Champion EP 09 | Champions Bring Others with Them

Think Like a Champion EP 09 | Champions Bring Others with Them

Welcome to episode nine of our weekly podcast, Think Like a Champion. Get ready to win in every way and enjoy every day like never before. Championship thinking is God’s idea. Because the Lord is with us, we can become successful people. The greatest champions...
Think Like a Champion EP 09 | Champions Bring Others with Them

Freedom from Fear Forever!

Pastor Grace Dickow shares a special message of encouragement. God our Father tenderly loves us, and therefore we have nothing to fear. We can walk freely and live with boldness because God is closer than we think. His love is our defense against whatever we may fear....