The Miracles of God’s Presence | 10:30 AM

The Miracles of God’s Presence | 10:30 AM

The presence of God is the greatest difference-maker in your life. In this transformative message, Pastor Gregory Dickow explores the miraculous power that comes with God’s presence. Not only does He comfort you, He also heals you, speaks to you, refreshes you, and so much more. Experience the fullness that comes from knowing God and embrace the blessings of His presence.

8 Victories and New Beginnings, Now Yours in Christ | 9 AM

8 Victories and New Beginnings, Now Yours in Christ | 9 AM

In this powerful message, Pastor Gregory Dickow discusses the significance of Jesus’ resurrection and the eight victories it grants to believers. These victories, symbolized by the eight appearances Jesus made after His resurrection, include overcoming despair, dead religion, stupidity, fear and shame, doubt, failure, powerlessness, and loneliness. The power of Jesus’ resurrection wasn’t limited to those who witnessed it. Discover how this power is available to you, and learn how to experience it every day of your life through this transformative message.

Think Like A Champion EP 56 | The Path Forward

The Path Forward | Think Like a Champion EP 56

In this episode, Gregory Dickow explores the vital role of humility in achieving success in every aspect of life. Jesus’ humility teaches us that the way “up” is “down”, and this path always leads to God’s intended destination for your life. You’ll discover biblical examples of humility and learn the characteristics of a humble heart. Humility is the path of champions. It is a path connected to Jesus and a path that leads to a brighter, more fulfilling future.