Money Mindsets, Part 2: How to Cultivate Real Wealth | Think Like a Champion EP 74

Money Mindsets, Part 2: How to Cultivate Real Wealth | Think Like a Champion EP 74

In a world obsessed with money, fame, and popularity, it’s easy to misinterpret the true meaning of wealth. God is calling us to a richer understanding of true abundance. In this episode of Think Like a Champion, Gregory Dickow takes us beyond the limited view of wealth as “having money” and opens our eyes to the biblical understanding of real wealth. Dive into Part 2 of “Money Mindsets” to learn all the different “currencies” God has provided you and experience the abundant life God created you for!

Praying in the Holy Spirit | 10:30AM

Praying in the Holy Spirit | 10:30AM

In this message, Pastor Gregory Dickow reveals the spiritual lifeline that has sustained him through his darkest and most challenging moments: praying in the Holy Spirit. Drawing from scriptures like 1 Corinthians 14 and Romans 8, he uncovers how speaking in tongues is a gift from God, accessible to all, that facilitates direct communion with God and activates His blessing and power in your life. It’s not just a religious practice; it’s a life-saving spiritual weapon. Stay tuned until the end for a prayer to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Spending Time With God: How To Pray

Spending Time With God: How To Pray | 9AM

Prayer is the invisible force that taps into the power of peace, freedom, answers, joy, and so much more. In this message, Gregory Dickow shares 3 different types of prayer and walks you through how to pray these prayers.