I Have a Covenant With God: How To Fulfill God’s Greatest Desire | 10:30AM

I Have a Covenant With God: How To Fulfill God’s Greatest Desire | 10:30AM

Imagine the one thing that could make God truly happy. Spoiler alert: it’s you. In this message, Pastor Gregory Dickow revealed that the blood covenant guarantees more than God’s promises. It guarantees God’s greatest dream—intimate closeness with you. Break free from the “do” and “be” pressures of the world. Step into the divine reality where you already are all that God desires, and experience the peace and joy that comes from closeness with God.

The Six Most Powerful Words in My Life

The Six Most Powerful Words in My Life

In this message, Pastor Gregory Dickow shares the six words that have shaped his life and sustained him through his most difficult seasons: "I have a covenant with God." He explains how this divine agreement is not just a theological concept but a lifeline—a...