10 Life Hacks for Real Change USB Collection


This empowering collection will teach us effective shortcuts to real change that will bring breakthroughs! It will help us identify our God-given calling and purpose. It will also show us how to conquer whatever we are facing, which will bring us progressively closer to fulfilling it. To express gratitude for our generosity, Gregory Dickow is including a journal and coffee mug to remind us of the conquering power we have in Christ. It also includes a digital jump drive card of all the teachings in this collection.


Enjoy Real, Lasting Change

What are the 10 life hacks for real change? How can we effectively make things better in our lives? What has God given us to produce miracles of change?

In this empowering CD/DVD collection, Pastor Gregory Dickow shares some of the ingredients for permanent change. We can take inventory of the tools God has given us to improve our lives. This practical teaching will show us how to look at trouble differently and develop the desire to see positive, lasting results. As we face trouble, strongly desire, eliminate excuses, and take immediate action, He guarantees permanent change will happen. These principles will help us build the victorious, successful life that God has intended for us.

God has a unique purpose for us. His purpose was in His mind even before our parents gave birth to us. He wants to show us how valuable our soul is and how to take good care of it. In his book, The Power to Change Today, Pastor Gregory Dickow prescribes a way out of dissatisfaction and accounts his own journey from hardship to happiness and contentment. This collection teaches us to change how we see ourselves. We don’t have to let the past define and confine us. As we apply these life hacks, we will continue to learn how to trust God and see real, lasting change in each of our lives.

Items Included:

  • 10 Life Hacks for Real Change | 3-CD Audio Series & 1-DVD of all 3 teachings
  • Your Calling is Found in Your Conquering | 2-CD Audio Series
  • The Power to Change Today | Hardcover Book
  • Your Calling is Found in Your Conquering | Journal & Mug
  • Digital Jump Drive

Television Offer LIFEHACKS3