
“Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:14-16‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Discover more opportunities within project-specific active campaigns that we are passionate about providing relief and support toward. Be a part of love in action.

Natural Disaster Relief

Be a part of Love In Action as we respond to natural disasters and crises with empathetic relief and tangible resources.

Life Changers Drive-Thru

We have farm-to-table groceries to give away to any families in need in the Chicagoland area at both campuses.

Sri Lanka Fund

Helping to restore and rebuild a church that was bombed on Easter Sunday. 

Harvest Fund

Project to see 30 million souls saved and lives changed through technology and outreach.

Reaching the Marginalized

Our Dream Center in downtown Chicago is helping those in need.

Bibles for Haiti

In addition to relief work we’re sharing God’s love by giving God’s word to people in Haiti. 

Least of These

Come together and help send 250 solar powered audio bibles to the precious people in a West African leper colony, and others.

Widows & Orphans Relief

Providing significant relief to as many precious widows and orphans as possible in our global community.

India Relief

Feeding hurting and hungry families every week with food and the Word of God. 

Solar-Powered Audio Bibles

We’re making God’s word available to people around the world.

Global Television Ministry

Millions around the world are being reached through our television ministry. 

Partner with Me

When you give generously, expect the overflow of God’s abundance


Your one-time or monthly gift (no matter the amount) makes a big difference for our television ministry and outreach projects. Thank you for your generosity.

If you are donating outside the U.S., click here.

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Donation Total: $25.00 One Time

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*Your gift will be used in furtherance of the tax-exempt charitable purposes of Gregory Dickow Ministries. All gifts are received and considered without restriction unless designated by the donor. In the event that designated giving for a project exceeds the project goal or if the project cannot be completed, those designated funds will be used for a similar purpose or outreach project of GDM.

You will be enriched in every way so you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

2 Corinthians 9:11