An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
You cannot manage what you do not name. Before you can master your emotions, you must first become aware of them.
You cannot manage what you do not name. Before you can master your emotions, you must first become aware of them.
God knows what you’re going through…
He DOESN’T want you to suffer, He wants you to FLOURISH.
His ultimate answer to suffering is a demonstration of His goodness and love through the power of the cross.
You give God what’s bad, and He’ll make it into something GOOD. You give him what’s good, He’ll make it BETTER.
Isaiah 45:7: “I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.”
That word “create” in the original Hebrew translation, Bara’, means “to shape; to form.”
God is the SHAPER of everything bad into everything GOOD.
Over all negative trials in your life, you have God given AUTHORITY.
Our joy is robbed when we are being accused.
You can’t let dream-thieves rob you of your dreams. When crisis hits, that’s exactly when you should be dreaming!
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