If You Think There’s Something Wrong With You, Think Again | #FFWT Day 30

How To Stop Stressing Today | #FFWT Day 29

Stress is a powerful mindset that we are going to dismantle. It is a collection of thoughts or fears that beat down on your mind until they penetrate you and control your emotions, your health, and your relationships. Let’s get free from this thought today! Declare...
If You Think There’s Something Wrong With You, Think Again | #FFWT Day 30

If You Feel Alone, Listen to This | #FFWT Day 27

There’s one thing that heals every bit of loneliness, sadness, and depression—the presence of God. The beautiful thing about the presence of God is you don’t need to “get in” it. You are already in, through the blood of Jesus. He is not “out there” or “over there”. He...
If You Think There’s Something Wrong With You, Think Again | #FFWT Day 30

Just Move Forward A Little | #FFWT Day 26

Hey gang, today we’re fasting from the thought that says “I Feel stuck”. We’ve all thought that at times, but it’s a lie. There’s always a way out of what you’re in, or a way into what you’ve been kept out of. When Jesus was tempted to not go to the cross, the Bible...