Rest in Victory!
Why can you rest in victory? Because Jesus has already given it to you!
First, as a special thank you for your support, Gregory Dickow wants to send you this brand-new 5-CD Audio Series, Sit With Me. This teaching is from the 2019 Grace Life Conference. This practical and inspiring series will show you how to experience a deeper intimacy with God. It will liberate you from the culture of comparisons, give you the ability to see from God’s perspective, and help you view, live, and give life from the best seat in the house!
Second, he will include his life-changing 4-CD Series, Discovering Your True Worth. The world likes to tell you that you don’t measure up; it likes to calculate your net worth and evaluate you by your things, your job, your money, your looks, and your mile- marker successes. The truth is, that’s not who you really are, is it? You’re more than that! Once you learn what your true worth is and where it comes from, no one else’s standards can discount you ever again. Listen to Discovering Your True Worth to discover who you are in Christ and step into God’s ultimate purpose for your life.
Third, we have included your very own Solar-Powered Audio Bible as a reminder of your support helping us reach 30-million people over the next five years.
Fourth, we have included his liberating book, Silencing the Accuser. People accuse you, the devil accuses you, and maybe you accuse yourself because you feel guilty. Can you really hold up against the weight of all this guilt—merited or not? You can’t. No one can. That’s why God made a grand rescue plan for you. Silencing the Accuser: The Power of a Guilt-Free Life is about owning the victory you have over your accuser through the power of Jesus Christ, no matter what you’ve done or what you’ve been accused of.
Items Included
- Sit With Me: Grace Life Conference 2019 | 5-CD Audio Series
- Discovering Your True Worth | 4-CD Audio Series
- Solar-Powered Audio Bible | English
- Silencing the Accuser | Paperback Book
TV Offer 929C
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